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7QP - the 7th Call Area QSO Party

Useful Contesting Tools -- Notes, Info

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Logging Programs for 7QPAfter Contest File Manipulation

The following logging programs support the 7QP.    They are listed in order of recommended use.

N1MM+Logger The #1 logging program, used by 70% of 7QP participants.    It's FREE.    For N1MM information and downloads go to the N1MM site.    N1MM+ is the only program with features that permit operating on the 7QP weekend with its multiple QSO parties all going at the same time.

THREE major QSO parties are all on the same weekend - the 7QP (7th Call Area QSO Party), the Indiana QSO Party and the New England QSO Party.    Other logging systems do not let you operate in all three at the same time.    Changing logs each time you find a station working one of "the other" QSO parties is cumbersome.    If you are outside one of the three QSO party areas, selecting the QSO party called "IN7QPNE" will allow you to work counties in any of the three QSO parties (7QP, InQP and NEQP) and log them using N1MM Logger.    The scoring won't be correct, because you're logging all QSOs in the same log.    However, you can submit this all-in-one cabrillo log to the 7QP, InQP and the NEQP.    They do all the sorting and scoring.

While the above deals with someone NOT inside either of the three areas, N1MM is also useful to any of the inside 7QP participants who might also want to send their logs to the other two parties.    It lets you log what they send and have it count for all.    For example, if W1YK sends WORMA as his exchange, you log it as WORMA and it is automatically parsed as MA for 7QP purposes.   For stations operating on a county line, copy their exchange as e.g.   ORCRO/WHE and N1MM automatically logs it as two QSOs.    For mobile operators, N1MM has a ROVER category.    It allows a mobile to change all the F-key messages at once by including the {ROVERQTH} macro.   When you change your county it clears the dupe log allowing you to work everyone again.   Pretty cool. For detailed information on setting up N1MM for operating 7QP (or other QSO Parties), go here.

TR4W Supports 7QP.    Go here for more information and downloads for TR4W.   
SD from EI5DI SD has excellent support for 7QP.    "Enter Send Messages" mode is now supported, like CT, N1MM, and TR.    SD is now a shareware product, but the quality of support and development is excellent.   Go here for more information on SD.
N3FJP Logging Program (N3FJP website) has long had a 7QP module and has been upgraded recently.    The popular N3FJP software package is very affordable, easy to use, and compatible with the other QSO parties going on during the hectic weekend! Go here to get more information and to download the latest version: 7QP QSO Party Log 2.8.
TR Log Download the appropriate configuration and multiplier files: non-7th-area stations use 7QP.cfg and 7QP.dom; 7th-area-stations use 7QP-W7.cfg and 7QP-W7.dom.

TR currently won't generate a 7QP Cabrillo file, so use the following procedure (whether you are in or outside the 7th call area):
1.   Make a _copy_ of your 7qp log.dat file and name it "[YOURCALL].dat".
2.   Make and save a new config file, "[YOURCALL].cfg" with two lines:

      MY CALL = [your call]
      CONTEST = New England QSO
3.   Start POST, select [yourcall], and create a Cabrillo.   Say NO to "Did you operate from W1?".
4.   Enter your StateCounty (e.g.   ORDES) if you are in W7 or your 2-letter State or Province abbreviation if not.
5.   Open the resulting Cabrillo file [YOURCALL].cbr and change the Contest name to 7QP.   Edit your other info, Category, power, modes, etc, as necessary.
6.   Email the [YOURCALL].cbr file to:
7.   It is not necessary to score your entry, remove extraneous contacts, or fill out a summary form - as long as all the required info is in the header of your Cabrillo file.
8.   After submitting your Cabrillo file, your call should appear on the list of 7QP Logs Received page on, generally within 48 hours.
GenLog/W3KM 7QP support is in all versions of GenLog contest logger since v6.47 (W3KM's GenLog).
WriteLog All versions since 10.59 (released in March 2006) support 7QP.    You can get it from here: WriteLog Homepage
CQ/X: GPS-Enabled Software for Mobile Contesting Check out this new program developed by a veteran state QSO-party mobile operator:

Site last updated on: March 6, 2025
7QP / The 7th Call Area QSO Party

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