7QP - the 7th Call Area QSO Party
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May 20, 2024 - 2024 Results!

K4XU's summary report here.    Look at the 2024 tabs at the top of the page for all score details and stats.

Category Winners:

WA6KHK	Non-7 Single-Op High Mixed
W5TM	Non-7 Single-Op High CW
W6AFA	Non-7 Single-Op High Phone
W2LC	Non-7 Single-Op Low Mixed
K9CW	Non-7 Single-Op Low CW
KD5ILA	Non-7 Single-Op Low Digital
K6GHA	Non-7 Single-Op Low Phone
WQ6X	Non-7 Single-Op QRP Mixed
KE0TT	Non-7 Single-Op QRP CW
KN6OKY	Non-7 Single-Op QRP Phone
KR9U	Non-7 Multi-Single High
N6RO	Non-7 Multi-Multi
W9TC	Non-7 Single-County Expedition Single-Op
NE1C	Non-7 Single-County Expedition Multi-Multi
WT9U	Non-7 County-Line Expedition Single-Op
K1NZ	Non-7 Mobile Single-op Low CW
K9JK	Non-7 Mobile Single-op Low Phone
ND7K	7th Area Single-Op High Mixed
K7L	7th Area Single-Op High CW
W7EY	7th Area Single-Op High Phone
W7CXX	7th Area Single-Op Low Mixed
NU7Y	7th Area Single-Op Low CW
WZ8T	7th Area Single-Op Low Phone
W7YAQ	7th Area Single-Op QRP Mixed
WY7N	7th Area Single-Op QRP CW
N7NWL	7th Area Single-Op QRP Phone
W7VJ	7th Area Multi-Single High
N7GV	7th Area Multi-Single Low
N7A	7th Area Multi-Multi
NR7T	7th Area Single-County Expedition Single-Op
W7P	7th Area Single-County Expedition Multi-Single
K7C	7th Area Single-County Expedition Multi-Multi
W7QM	7th Area County-Line Expedition Single-Op
N7E	7th Area County-Line Expedition Multi-Single
W7PRA	7th Area County-Line Expedition Multi-Multi
KN7Y	7th Area Open Expedition
WY7AA	7th Area Mobile Single-op Low Mixed
N7WA	7th Area Mobile Single-op Low CW
K7JSG	7th Area Mobile Single-op Low Phone
N7XU	7th Area Mobile Multi-single Low CW

May 8, 2024 - N1MM bug! Fixed, but.. If you're located within one of the 4 QSO party areas (7QP, NEQP, INQP, DEQP), there may be a problem with generated Cabrillo files.    The received-location codes for all stations in the other parties may omit the county portion, e.g.   OR instead of ORDES, NH instead of NHROC.    The problem occurs in some logs with version 1.0.10284.0; it was fixed on May 7 in version 1.0.10291.    If your Cabrillo is affected (or to play it safe), download the current version, re-generate the Cabrillo and (re-)submit to the appropriate parties.

May 1, 2023 - "Self-Spotting" now allowed in 7QP. In 2022 the ARRL changed their HF contesting guidelines to allow participants using SSB to spot themselves.   Those of you who use a band map may have noted that while the CW end of the band is full of spots, the SSB end is nearly empty.   This rule change will surely put spots in the phone bands.   

If you are using N1MM for logging, put your call in the log pane and hit alt-P.   Or you can put the {spotme} macro in a function key.   You can even add a note to show your county.   A similar feature is available on other loggers like N3FJP.   This should change the way SSB is played and can be a real asset to low power stations in rare counties.

April 20, 2021 - We've updated our Rules to confirm that WSJT digital modes are not allowed, since they don't support the 7QP exchange.